This Is Why We Choose Batman

When we think of action figures, two names register in our minds: batman and spider man. Now, there are varying reasons why people would choose either of them. Spiderman seems to be quite interesting with his supernatural ability to climb walls but there's something about batman that makes him stand out and somehow relate to the daily lives of the audience.

The character of Batman tends to be both entertaining and inspiring because unlike other super heroes, he is not from another planet nor is he mutant; he was born just like all of us but he decided to push himself harder through frequent practice. He has even mastered the art of moderation; fighting without going too far, he understands that killing is illegal.

His vulnerability is clearly brought out through the challenges and pain he faces in his childhood and love life: he however manages to beat all that and works towards developing and perfecting his supernatural skills. Most people will relate to the methods he uses to save his childhood crush; we can all relate to a vigilante-like form of justice. It is not a surprise that kids like dressing up like batman at times, but have you ever wondered why? Well, when faced with crucial issues such as bullying kids will want to identify themselves with a character that is human but has the courage and determination to fight all the adversities and rise to the top.

Now, which superhero has taught you so much in a little span of time? There is a unique way in which Batman inspires his audience more so those facing different challenges, that with consistent practice and focus, you can easily become a success.

Sorry Spiderman and other super hero lovers but for today we are choosing Batman.